Are you ready

to realign with balance, joy, and ease?

Check out the various offers I have or
Let's customize one that fits for you!

Life is filled with uncertainty. And nowhere are the challenges more obvious than in your role as as multi-tasking mom. I help guide you through the highs and lows of being a sensitive, busy, mindful parent in our modern age. 


90 minute transformational coaching to discover simple, sustainable ways to reframe the challenges of your busy, ball-juggling life so that you can enjoy the playful adventure, identify new solutions, and take inspired action steps!


Single-session individual, couple, or family human design reading + intuitive coaching to help you rediscover who you were born to be and how you're meant to make decisions so you can stop "shoulding" on yourself and create more ease and flow.


3-month private coaching program combining human design with transformational coaching to clear out the heavy, disempowering, bullshit stories so you can realign with your innate strengths and purpose and create more ease and joy.


Private mindfulness sessions for your family or friends group. This can include family yoga, guided art-based mindfulness practices, breathwork, or emotional freedom technique sessions to help you all rest and replenish in a fun, connected, and age-appropriate way!

Book a free discovery call to share your needs and discuss how we can work together.


Join weekly calls with like-minded women for some connection and relaxation. Donation-based.


As a board-certified genetic counselor, I can help you with a variety of genetic services needs including family risk assessment, reviewing DNA test results (including 23andMe or Ancestry data), and patient advocacy.

Book a free discovery call to share your needs and discuss how we can work together.

Not sure what you need?

I’m here to help!

Email me at and share with me what is coming up for you right now? I always respond personally!

Or, if you’re the kind of person who likes to talk it out instead of writing it out, schedule a free 30 minute call and let’s chat!


surrounded by trees... my philosophy of life

I love trees. Growing up in New York City, my favorite activity was to head to Central Park and find trees to climb!

In genetics, we talk about a family tree. In Kabbalah, there’s the tree of life. There are 8 limbs, or ethical rules, within yogic philosophy. And trees are all around us in nature.

This tree, surrounded by rainbow sheep, was illustrated by my oldest son. It reminds me that, like a tree, our roots set our foundation. They are our relationships with our family of origin, our ancestors, our past experiences and past lives, our cultures and religions.

The branches are the roles we play. Roles that are constantly developing and expanding. Partner, mom, friend, business woman…we swing among them every day.

The trunk is our heart, our soul. It provides nourishment and strength as we grow.

And the rainbow sheep represent how we each are part of the flock but are also unique and special in our own way. My older son illustrated my vision for me. 


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